Yeah. Well, i
n the excitement of the crazy busy day, I forgot to mention how the rest of the weekend went. Get ready for more fun stories!
Last Tuesday evening, Cary and I went to visit my parents, which lead to a quick geocache trip for the 2 guys to find a treasure box that dad was intrigued by. When they found it, dad deposited a Travel Bug, a dog-tag sized object that has 'missions'. This particular one has the destiny to have its pictures taken at the 4 corner states...
So on Friday, Cary and I got sneaky, deciding to grab the cache and get it closer to the airport to help it on its way to its destination...(I know...we're wild and uncontrollable, aren't we?)
Stormy weather was on the horizon as we stepped into the woods to find the ingenious cache, so we wanted to search and find quickly. We found it (microwave...clever!), and as Cary was pulling the container out, I saw a flash of lightening. As I wondering if I was imagining or not, my answer came: a loud bass sound resonated the sky...we worked a little more quickly to get out of the woods and back into the safety of the car.
So then off we go to the next destination: dinner. You can't expect us to continue to be mischevious without a full belly, can you?! I'm thinking Arby's!
Afterwards, we headed out towards Irving and DFW. Cary had found a geocache that was regular sized, and not a micro (which is extremely popular around here!) that would fit the travel bug inside. The weather was very threatening still, but by the time we got to our spot, it was raining, but the lighteni
ng had subsided. However, despite the threatening weather still in the distance (and a rainbow!), we dug through poison ivy and oak to find....nothing!
What a crazy time, hunting all over the meadow that the GPS showed was the location and didn't find anything. It was glorious weather now, with drizzling rain, the sun shining beautifully through the field, and get this...80 degree temps (!), and it made for ideal caching. And now that I realize that I am not allergic to poison ivy or oak (let's hope!), I want to get down and dir
ty to find those treasures! We just need to remember wipes for our hands so that the cars don't get nasty.
Ok. I kind of got off the point there. But since we didn't find anything there, we went on and hunted for another cache, which was only a micro, but nearby and easy to find. Unless you are me. We found it, signed it, and drove back towards home. With a stop at 7-11 for ice cream (can't resist!) and then...another stop to look for another cache...that ALSO wasn't there! Shame, because this would have been the first one for me to spot on my own...but I went home st
ill not knowing the joys of finding the cache first...but should I even mention that the shower was wonderful that night?!
On Saturday mor
ning, Cary and I still wanted to get the travel bug on the road, so he found the next potential cache for us that would hold this travel didn't take long for us to jump in the car and drive to our next destination!
More woods, more thorny trees, more spiders...I know it sounds crazy, but it was such fun! AND I got my first cache this time!!!! I found it! I found it! And in this particular container, there was a geo coin that was placed there after someone purchased it to signify their 100th cache. When we checked out the tracking number online, we found it to have started in Maryland,
get to Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and now Texas...I can't wait to watch where it goes in the future, the same as my dad's travel bugs!
Ok. Now I think I've covered the major excitement from the last weekend (except for the AWESOME hamburgers that Gary made for us!), but no worries. There will be much more next weekend!
(can you see the yellow garden spider we passed along the way?)
*If you are interested in learning more about Geocaching, go
here, or talk to my dad or Cary!