Monday, October 31, 2011

Confessions of the Not-So-Nerdy-But-I-Thought-It-Was-Back-Then

This post is in honor of the latest Three Musketeers movie that just came out. 

Cary and I saw this movie on Friday night, one weekend after it opened nationwide.  I wanted to see it immediately, but Cary and I decided to make it a stay-at-home date night due to the really hectic schedule the rest of the weekend.  Anyways, this really doesn't portray to the post, except for the fact that I FINALLY saw the movie, and truly enjoyed it...

The POINT of this post is that as I sat awake the evening after I saw it, I tried to figure out why exactly this movie was a must-see and from the moment I first saw the previews, I would elbow Cary and hiss "We have GOT to see this!" or "I can't WAIT for this movie!".  

And then I remembered.
It wasn't because the 1993 movie was the ultimate movie EVER (though I did enjoy it...)

It also wasn't because I had read the book, though this book and another Dumas book have been sitting within arms reach for several years, the 3 Musketeers book having the 1993 Movie Poster on it (can I upgrade to this newer, cooler poster as the book cover?).
It is because, I, Jennifer McFadden once was a member of the elite fencing society.

And it began with dad receiving a couple of large, long boxes one day when I was in Middle School.  As he excitedly opened the boxes, I saw 2 swords, 2 jackets, 2 get the idea.  So I nonchalantly asked him why he had 2 of which he answered, "Well, you're joining me!"
I was dumbfounded.  Suddenly I was being thrust (no pun intended) into a sport I wasn't so sure I wanted to participate in.  But at the same time, I wanted father/daughter time, so I decided to try it out.  And decided pretty quickly that it wasn't so bad.

Unlike the beautiful rapiers shown in the new movie, fencing has 3 swords, much more basic and made for the sport.  And these are just noticeable basics I am pointing out.  It has been too long to get into further detail, and I apologize if any of this is wrong...

The first is the Foil:

This is the 'beginner sword'.  There are some major differences to this sword and the fencing style than the other 2, but here are the big differences I will point out:  the size of the bell (cover) of the sword, and the target area.  Foil's target area is the base of the body, excluding the limbs and head.  This is a touch-point weapon, meaning you can't slash to get the point.

The second is the Epee:

The big difference in this that I'll mention is the bell is larger, more coverage on the hand, and the target area is the entire body.  This one is also a touch-point weapon (I think I'm making that word up, but you should get the idea:  you have to push the point of the sword into the body to get the count.)  

When you are hooked up to electric fencing, the little tips push in just slightly to trigger the electronic box that you have indeed put the tip of the sword into your opponent.

Both of these swords are fine and fun, but I consider them the 'dainty' swords.  The 3rd sword was what I loved and was what I would consider, good at.

The Sabre:

This is the 'aggressive' sword, at one time (the rules have changed I believe) allowing the opponents to run down the fencing strip at each other to 'slash' at them and receive the point.  This sword is most notable by the extended guard that goes from the bell to the bottom of the handle.  The target area is from the waist up, and yes, you can slash or touch-point.

I loved this sword, and I felt at home the first time I was trained on it.

Dad and I started at a fencing club that met inside a school gym and we were, for quite a while, the only Foil fencers there because we were new.  But the more trained fenced Sabre, and dad and I would watch and get excited about trying it out.  It wasn't until our coach was injured at his job and not able to attend classes at night that I bravely picked up the Sabre and began the training for what I was destined for.

Now, granted, there was no sword-slashing-while-flying-through-the-air type fencing, but I can guarantee that if there was a rope hanging from the ceiling, someone would have tried it.  Before or during EACH meeting...until there were injuries.  

The original fencing team we joined became a family, spending not only 2-3 times a week with them, but also going to dinner, Six Flags, and having parties with them.  We were a great team.  Until about 1 1/2 years into it, this particular club had to close.  We then moved to another club; a more organized club that focused most training on Epee.  This was because the owner of the club was an Olympic trainer for that sword.  It was a great club, but they were much more serious about the sport than the original club was...

An interesting note though:  dad and I are both left-handed, which gave us, and our club, an advantage.  At tournaments, our opponents were typically not used to going against a lefty, and we could sneak in a moment or two of shock...but you should have seen the complete look of confusion on the judges' faces when dad and I fenced each other...they had to scramble around to get the best view of our hits!  It always provided great stories for afterwards...

Another interesting note:  as dad and I drove to our club in Irving, TX, (about 30 minutes from home), we would always listen to Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody and The Show Must Go On.  The Show Must Go On is to this day one of my absolute favorite songs because of the time I got to spend with my dad. 

I know I wasn't a prodigy or anything like that, but I was decent, getting 3 medals at one tournament, even after twisting my ankle.  AND I kept my dad from getting 3rd place because I kicked his rear end in our bout.  That was a moment of pride for me...  ;o)

But I WAS good enough to be considered for the Junior Olympics (I decided against it because, oddly enough, I wouldn't have been able to fence Sabre against other guys, and felt I was too aggressive to go against other ladies.  I had, after all, had all of my training against guys, and thought I would possibly hurt the others.  Too bad I didn't try anyways...)

I was also good enough to be considered for a scholarship to NYU to train with an Olympic coach, but my SATS were not up to par (despite a 3.8 GPA through high school, I did not test well there), and I was at the time burning out on fencing and showing more interest at the time in rock climbing.  

So many what-ifs.  But at the same time, the path I went down got me an incredible life with my adorable family...but it does have me looking up if there are any fencing clubs around Small Town, ME...

My favorite note of interest in this longer-than-I expected post is this:  I have recently learned that my niece, Helen, has joined the elite fencing society.  She did this not knowing anyone else had fenced, and I had quit long before she was born (she is also Cary's brother's daughter, and didn't know her until she was six) and I am so excited to see her grow into it...if she continues (no pressure Helen!).  I am one proud Aunt!  :o)  (picture to come)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

McFadden Fall Dallas Vacation: Part 6 The Skits

On Wednesday, the Clown skits started, leaving Brylee and I without a vehicle during the day.  However, Poppy left the house at 8 a.m.(ish) and got home around 10:30 a.m., so it didn't leave us too long without a car.

Brylee even got to learn how to play 100-pin bowling on the Wii, and while holding her and demonstrating how to use the remote, she mimicked me and hit me in the eye--hard!  I am thankful she didn't have the controller in her hand!
And while her Poppy got ready for the skits, she had to be in the bathroom and watch or goof off...

She was a bit shy again around Radio, but she wasn't completely freaked out.  He tried several times to get good pictures of them together.  This is one of my favorites:

Gotta post some pictures of what they were educating about:

The full gang, minus the sound dude, John:  Model T, Ashes, Petunia, Embers, and Radio.  This is Model T's, Embers', and Petunia first year on stage as clowns with the school skits, but they are far from new!  Embers has been sound and puppetry for several years, Petunia has been doing clowning outside of school skits for a long time as well, and Model T was 1/2 of the sound/groupie help for the school skits for a couple of years.  What a very talented group of people, and I must add that I am so proud of Petunia, Model T, and Embers for stepping out of their comfort zones and jumping up there on stage.  They add a lot of character to the already super-talented Ashes and Radio!

Got a MissChief/Radio shot!

MissChief with her 2 favorite clowns...and not just while they are in makeup...

My buddy Embers and me!

While waiting for the show to start, she sat calmly in her chair and said 'Tuwn it owf Wadio'...It's only a matter of time before she join her friends on stage, too!

The Post That Just Couldn't Stay Boxed Up

Saw this on Pintrest and had to try it for myself. 

Funny thing is, Brylee saw me putting it together, and wanted nothing to do with the inside of the box, but wanted to play with the 'technical' part of it all...that is why I call her my Gadget Jr....a.k.a. MissChief...

However, she had no problem sitting inside this box that was also upstairs...

A couple of nights later, this was the newest use for the box:

And the next night, it became a new instrument:
Then a coloring 'book':

And finally, she was ready to play inside long as she had her trusty flashlight!
Good thing we have about 50 more of these babies laying around from our move...they might last until Christmas!

Project 52: 41/52 Sports

Ok.  Maybe not a sport, but we haven't been around any games or anything super sporty lately, except for watching the Rangers on tv.  Go Rangers!  Bring it home!!!!

Project 52: 42/52 Books

And this is only about 1/4 of all of the books she has!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

And Now A Word From Our Sponsers: Denton Square Donuts

I moved out of state less than a year ago, but I have a new exciting thing to look forward to whenever I come visit (well, yes, besides my family of course...blah, blah, blah...)
It's called:

3 words to describe this unique concept:  Oh My Deliciousness!

Just look at the delicious and crazy concoctions they offer:

From Fruit Loops, M&Ms, and Oreo to S'Mores, Samoans, and so many things in between!  My favorites?  The Pretzchocamel and Cinnamon Doughst!

Great atmosphere both up and downstairs, and they offer party packages.  They even serve wine to help you wind down the evening after a crazy day.  Check out their page on Facebook and watch your mouth water from curious delight!
And they even sell shirts, too!

 Hope to see you there the next time we are in town!

McFadden Fall Dallas Vacation: Part 5

Sunday was designated as the day to spend with Uncle Brad (UB), Aunt Faith (Uffie), and Cousin Helen (Goofy?)
Showing off her cute new outfit:

She had fallen asleep during the drive to Garland to meet them, so you can see the look on her face asking what had happened...She kept looking at Helen and saying 'hi', but when she saw her uncle, she would scoot as close to me as humanly possible and refused to look at him.

After a really yummy brunch, we went to Firewheel, where we found a choo-choo for Brylee to ride on.  Helen was a good sport and rode with her.

This Sonic drink was an experiment for me that I still pucker up when I think of it:  a Cherry Limeade Slushie.  I love cherry limeades and grape slushies...but this limeade made into a slushie was too much for me...oh but I still love you Sonic!

I am still sad knowing that I didn't get a lot of time with Brad, Faith, and Helen, but I know that the time I did get with them was special and Brylee had a great time.  She warmed up to her Aunt Faith quickly, and not long after that, she was best friends with Brad...possibly because he fed her ice cream...

Another note to add to this:  while walking around Firewheel, we found a popcorn store where I treated Helen and Faith to some gourmet flavors (Faith got white chocolate and Helen got Dr. Pepper...which felt like it really fizzed in the mouth!), and I of course got my popcorn fixation...fixed...for a short time!

So glad that we got to spend some time with them! (and I miss you guys!)

Monday, October 24, 2011

McFadden Fall Dallas Vacation: Part 4 The Clowns!

A big reason why my trip was planned late September/early October was so that we could attend the Lewisville Open House to be there to support the clowns and Lewisville Fire team in general.  I used to go to take lots and lots of pictures of the clowns, and when Cary came along, it made life so much easier because he and I would go opposite directions, following the clowns around all day.  Those were the productive days...before Brylee, which has since become the attention-stealer, even through a camera lens...

MissChief with the clowns!
Meet Model-T, 1/2 of the newest Lewisville clowns!  Love this guy!

Pictures of hot dogs, just for my love, who wasn't there to enjoy them with us...

MissChief--a very appropriate name for this one!

She loved the boat and it took a lot of persuasion for her to come down.  This below fireman was super sweet to show her around while I stayed on solid ground taking pictures. 

4 generations of Jarvis' on the Bryan Jarvis!

After the event, Brylee sporting the new October Breast Cancer Awareness shirts the LFD sold.  LOVE these!!!!

Ninjago With A Special Guest

So we took B to go see Ninjago, The LEGO movie a couple of weeks ago, and by we, I mean Cary, myself, my dad, grandfather. Odd co...