The ice storm has hit us. Because of this, Melissa, Jon, Cary and I decided not to attempt to go to the Stars game last night, and I have to say as bumming as it was to watch the game on tv, I am relieved we decided to stay in. Right at 8:00 we heard the sleet come in and it was starting to stick pretty quickly.
On a side note, yesterday afternoon there was quite a show of Cardinals in the field behind our apartment. I have seen the occasional cardinal, for some reason this field in Las Colinas attracts numerous of these birds...and they are gorgeous!
So Cary and I locked ourselves into the apartment last night, played a game of Hoopla and UNO Attack, and watched the movie Merry Christmas (or Joyeaux Noel) for a little bit, and then tuned into the game.
And no worries--Cary brought home hot dogs for lunch, and he got his fill of them!
And this morning as I am typing this, Chester is happily chasing his tail (blissfully unaware of the slippery crazy situation outside) and I am watching the news reports, where they are focusing on one particular street on the freeway in Ft. Worth and watching the vehicles slip, slide and getting stranded. Cary had to be into work at 10:00, and my group at 12:00.
What a way to spend a day and a half!
Just to set the record staight, that is not four hotdogs. I took two Brats and cut them done the middle so that I could use up the last of the buns (and pretent that I was eating four at one time).
Just wait till you move to colder weather! Yesterday I bundled the girls up, in 4 degree temperatures and drove 45 minutes (usually 25) through the snow to bible study at church. Thank goodness for snow tires and a little practice...last year I would have never even tried it!!!
Last night, Tommy and Addison were outside practicing their snowboarding/skiing skills in the driveway.
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