First off, Dr's visit went really well yesterday. I got to see bits of Brylee, including one of her little femurs. Dr. says that it gets harder to see features now because they are getting bigger, and so less room in the belly.
My sugars are still good, and Dr. is pretty much not worried about bp after that stress moment a few weeks ago. And Brylee weighs a whopping 6 lbs, 3 oz...well, Dr. says she is still small, and she'll be about 7 1/2 - 8 lbs when she is born. To me, 6 lbs, 3 oz is good enough...who's ready to help me get her out?!?!
And now, this morning when I walk into work, I am surprised with a baby shower/food day (we are big fans of food in this place!!!) So far, I (well, Brylee) have been spoiled with a cute chick stuffed animal that chirps when belly is pressed, and a beautiful blanket with zoo animals all over it!!!!
I love my animals, and as much as I wanted the zoo theme, Cary pointed out that it is just too common, so I get my touch of giraffes, monkeys, and elephants with this blanket!!! I just wish it was cold in here so I could wrap it around me!!
After lunch, I was surprised with a cute little basket of bath goodies, including washcloths and a cute little outfit from a couple of my co-workers. I know I'll be needing all of that bath stuff!
And I have to mention the cake: this cake is so pretty, and while it looks like a professional did it, one of my co-workers actually made it! And it was delicious, too! I told her that if she ever taught lessons on this, I would love to be a student!
When it was time to celebrate, I was pulled up to the front (where the cake was) and I got to tell everyone a little bit about Brylee (the newest updates on her and what her nursery theme is). The group presented me with a gift card to Babies R Us, with a very generous amount. It is perfect for finishing up the last of our shopping, diapers, wipes, or even clothing in the future.
Janell was sweet enough to cut the cake up for everyone, got a little punch and ice creame, and then I got to do a little socializing with my friends. I was so blown away by all the things that went into this to make it a great time!
I feel bad (well, just a little) because I enjoyed the day a lot, and didn't really take a lot of phone calls. But I'll make that up somehow...maybe. :o)
Thank you soooo much for everyone who contributed to the shower today. It means a lot to me and Cary that you took the time to celebrate the newest joy in our life!
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