Since I don't want to over-medicate our kid, a recommendation (from her pediatrician again) was Hyland's Teething Tablets. Have you heard of this? We bought some, and they recommend 2-3 tablets about 4 times a day. To us, that was a bit excessive, so we tried one at first. It is a quick-dissolving tablet that you place under the tongue (and how do you do that to a 6 month old?) and within a short time, the child feels better.
I'm sure they do work well, but Brylee cried so hard having this weird tiny object in her mouth, and then vomited up her entire meal a little later (not known if this is the reason or if she was just having an upset tummy). I have yet to try it again, but I do want to see if there is a better reaction the second time. Apparently there are moms out there that live by these tablets!
I love our family and how they share in the excitement.
Lastly, there is a decision Cary and I need to make for our family. And I have been thinking about this and praying about it for a while now, and now that it is potentially here, I am nervous and not sure if it is the right decision. So again, I have been praying constantly. Please pray for God's guidance so that we may not go against what He is telling us is best.
Mom sent me this information this morning, and while a lot of it is being done, I wanted to post it here as a reminder, and so that maybe we'll look back eventually and be able to see how much difference we made in our child's life:
Suggested activities:
Your baby loves to touch, grasp and 'make things happen'. Fun activities, such as shaking or banging objects, help them to understand they have an effect on the world. Conceptually, they are learning about up and down as well as coming and going, and will love to play games that act these things out.
Suggestions on encouraging and supporting your baby's development include:
- Babies need interaction with other people much more than play-time with toys.
- Talk to them.
- Look into their eyes.
- Play games like 'Here is your nose - here is mummy's nose'.
- Play the game of picking up their dropped toy (over and over - babies of this age love it).
- Play 'ah boo' as you hide your face behind a book or cloth, then say their name when you come out.
Happy Tuesday all!!
We love Hylands....with Reagan especially. She ate them like candy, although we never tried to put them under their tongues, we just let them dissolve in their mouth. Gracyn has been a tough teether. We never even tried them with her, because she really just needs Motrin. Every few weeks, she will just be miserable with teething for a few days. Evidence to her tough teethign is the fact that I have a giant teeth bite on my shoulder right now, where she tried to take her pain out while snuggling me. Thankfully she is working on what should be her last set for awhile.
Since Brylee is 6 months now, I would try Motrin instead of Tylenol (though you will have to watch the recalls) it lasts 6 hours instead of 4 and just seems to work better for pain and fever managment.
I think I know what decision you are thinking about and we will be praying for you. It is such a big decision that will change the dynamics of your whole family. God will walk with you in whatever decision you make, and he has been faithful in providing great friends/church family for us each step of the way, but it is definitely a different lifestlye that we have. It would be a big change for you (and Brylee). I will pray for peace in whatever decision you make.
Reading your posts about the Grandparetns, Brylee will be as close to your parents as I was to Gangy and Papa....such a special relationship. My kids know and love their grandparents, but the dynamics are a little different when you only see each other 3 or 4times a year.
I used the Hyland's tabs for Chloe--they were wonderful! I would use them when I noticed a tooth coming through the gum, and she never cried with her teething. Since Evan had some oral sensory issues, nothing worked for him...but that was the first thing I bought when I felt his first tooth erupting.
I will definitely be praying for you guys and whatever decision you need to make. Changes are always so hard, but you have such a great support system!
We also lived by the teething tablets. I actually found a bottle of them in my car when we sold it. By that time, Michelle was six! If I remember right you can put it in a little bit of water (like a few drops) and dissolve it some before putting it in their mouth. We didn't try to put it under their tongue, usually directly on the swollen area. Don't know if that is recommended, but it worked!
From Tammy Britton via Facebook:
Oh!!!!! THose teething tablets are a LIFE SAVER!!!! I recommend them 100%!!!!
From Yvonne Warren via Facebook:
Teething tables are great!!
From Tammy Britton via Facebook:
keep a tryin Jenn-Soooo worth it!!!!
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