I left my job today around 3:00 p.m. with mixed emotions, and many new and fun memories to boot. I put in my request on May 27, and had a vacation planned the following week. So, from the day I put in the notice, to my last day, I worked a total of 6 days. 6 days to wrap up everything.
Yesterday, my department celebrated with a food day. Celebrated? I guess that is the word
Back to the food day--DELICIOUS snacks! Peanut butter pie, cheesecake, apple pie, chips and salsa, chocolate cake....oh my...I'm losing track of everything there w
I participated in the Dice Roll game 3 times, trying to earn tickets our supervisors. Whose ever team had the most tickets accumulated at the end of the game got a party of some sort. I never won any additional tickets, but I did get a good laugh out of it. A lot more than I anticipated. So much so, I accidentally lost track of time and was 25 minutes late back to my desk (please don't penalize me!!!!)
Around 2:45 today I went to my friends and said my goodbyes. I did miss a few frien
Tomorrow I get to get the apartment ready. Ready for daily teaching, playing, feeding, and loving. Monday starts the new adventure. I am now excited about seeing my baby's beautiful face everyday and see her eyes light up as I introduce new things to her. Joy in convincing her to say her first words, crawl, take her first steps, and seek out new adventures.
I am ready.
I am so happy for you. This is time you just won't ever get back, and I know you are going to love every minute of it. Staying home with the kids for the last few years has been such a blessing, and I am really going to miss it!
From Tammy Britton via Facebook:
BEST job in the WORLD!!!!!!!
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