Here is everyone, fresh and eager to get into the Aquarium. I say everyone, but we are missing my cousin Ashton and his mom, Kim in this photo. Unfortunately, they were running behind in the day, so we went through half of the place without them.
I like the view in this photo!
Can these two ever take serious photos???
3 monkeys sitting in the trees. The baby kept jumping from branch to branch, getting his 'air legs'. He was so much fun to watch!
Bill and Ivan, both whom fit in well with the monkeys... ;o)
Dad feeding the birds. The staff would hand you a blueberry, open up the door, and then you got to watch 3 of the birds fight over the blueberry. I fed them, too, and it was so much fun to watch the single blueberry become two with blue goo all over their beaks!
Poppy and I couldn't resist getting a stuffed animal to put into the carrier whenever Brylee insisted on getting out. It got funny looks from the other aquarium patrons, but the toy caught Brylee's attention and became her favorite thing in the aquarium. Whenever she still sees it, she loves to snuggle and wrestle with it!
3 monkeys behind bars...
Brylee loved sitting in this concave dome watching the fish swim around. And Poppy would have sat there with her all day long letting her watch if we didn't have more to see!
I love animals. Penguins, dogs, lizards, cats, monkeys, elephants, giraffes, sea mammals. There has always been a special interest in seahorses and leafy dragons...aren't they fascinating?!
Blackmail picture of Bill with Brylee's penguin.
We stopped at a cafe in the aquarium to recharge our bodies, and also met Kim and Ashton. Not bad food, and it got us the energy we needed to continue the rest of the show!
Isn't this little shrimp so cool?! I shall call him Pokey, and he shall be mine...
Little Brylee started getting super sleepy after lunch. She didn't even care that she snuggled with her Uncle Bill!
Unfortunately because the small one was so tired, she missed seeing my favorite parts of the aquarium: the penguins and manatees. But Ashton really did enjoy them, and was awe-struck watching the manatees swimming around. I have a couple of pictures of Ashton here and there, but unfortunately because of the light, they were a touch on the blurry side. But I hope he had fun, even with his short visit. He'll have plenty of opportunity to experience it again soon!
Happy birthday to my grandpa. It is always so great to see you, even though I did not get the chance to talk with you much. Always know that i love you!
1 comment:
Hi there. I wandered here from Cjane's blog and I just wanted to say that your grandparents (is that who you said they were?) look like a lot of fun! And your daughter is lovely. Have a nice day!
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