Since then, I have wished we had taken that opportunity, and I had the goal of living outside of Texas for at least 2 years.
And now it has come true!
The McFaddens are moving to Maine!
Cary's mom is a CPA, and Cary is studying to become a CPA himself, so what better way to use this talent than to
Our big move date is February 19th, when 4 of us (and Chester) will take a 3-4 day journey driving to our new home, while Brylee spends a very special week with her T-ma and Poppy. They will fly in a week later to check out the new town and let us cry our eyes out.
This new adventure leaves me with very mixed emotions. I am excited to finally get out of Texas and the dreaded
My parents have been nothing but very supportive and my rocks, promising lots of travel and skyping. Cary is also amazing, noting that I can come home whenever I want to. It will be hard to leave them, but I am also very blessed that Cary and I will be with his family and not completely alone.
This will be an amazing journey, and a dream come true for us!
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Watch out Maine!! Here come the McFadden's & Jarvis's..............
That's such a great opportunity for you Cary, Brylee, and Chester and I'm really happy that you're finally getting to achieve your dream.
...Are you at least coming back for the month of October to clown with LAFS?
I NEED my clown buddy.
I am so happy for you all! We took a 5 year adventure to Missouri and it was worth it (although hard at times). You know the saying "there's no place like home," which is true but there are a whole bunches of more fun and exciting adventures before us if we just make it happen.
Keep in touch and drop by in August just for old times!
It was not great to be drafted into the Army and spend 2 years in California (a least not at the time since your dad was on the way) But a few years later, I remembered what great adventures we had, and it was a truly positive time. Go and live it up...Grandpa Lynn
From T-Ma via facebook:
Where is that DISLIKE BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!
From Ron Ford via Facebook:
Cary, so you don't like the Texas heat. Do you know how much snow there is on the ground in the NE right now? And more coming this weekend.
Jennifer, Cary and certainly Brylee, we wish you nothing but good luck and God speed and may your tob...oggan always point down hill.
From Karen Talbott via Facebook:
I wish you the best!! I am excited about the next chapter in your life.
From Heather Fortenbury via Facebook:
How exciting!! That is awesome!! I wish you and your family all the best.
From Yvonne Warren via facebook:
I am sooo excited for you!!! I always wondered how they could have passed up a chance to live in Hawaii, but I think your parents knew they would have 2 friends packed in your suitcase. But hey LHS Rocked in 1996!!!!!
From Isa Sanchez via Facebook:
I wish y'all all the best of LUCK =)
From Uncle Brad via Facebook:
Happy for y'all sad for us!
From Eric via Facebook:
congrats on your new adventure and we are happy for you
From t-ma via facebook:
You can come visit Brylee anytime your in town.
From Nancy Christensen via Facebook:
I am very excited for you. Now your parents will know what I feel like that I can't see Steve, Marika and Simon when I want. It's hard but the adventure will be worth it.
From Tammy Britton via facebook:
wow-said you would....cant believe it though....Good luck :)
From Becky Meisch via Facebook:
Why did I think your husband flew planes??? I get so confused ...
via facebook:
Thank you everyone! I am mixed with excitement and sadness. I am so used to seeing my parents multiple times a week, and soon it will be just occasionally. That will be hard!
@Becky--he did fly for a little while, back in 2001 and a littl...e later. But he decided at that time it was not for him, so he decided to go into accounting instead. :o)
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