She loves to say bye bye, and will even address the person. a.k.a., "bye-bye daddy". This morning she added for him to 'be safe', which is my typical departing words for him.
She sings Twinkle Little Star and the ABC's like a pro...well, a baby pro at least. She loves belting out a tune, and even better if there are drums, piano, guitar, or harmonica at her disposal. She also knows her ABC's in ASL. She can count to 10, sometimes a little higher, and can even count backwards. Her colors are coming along, this morning with her surprising me with her memory!
Words of a friend here in Small Town: 'she's becoming a brute'. At playgroup this week, she did her best to take a way a toy walker from a little one that was just learning how to walk. It was an interesting scene as I tried to step in, pry the walker out of her hands and redirect her (which another mommy did great at doing). And she likes to play 'queen of the top of the slide', by sitting there as long as possible and not letting anyone else have a turn. And while I do not think this is any part of the 'stinkin' cute side of her, she and I are working on her learning how to share and be gentle with other playmates. I know it is part of her learning and growing phase, and while I do not want her stepped all over in the future when it comes to toys, I most certainly do not want her to be the bully kid at school (or anywhere for that matter).
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