I would like to take a moment (I wonder how many posts I have started with that line) and speak about Fire Safety.
Most of you know (as most who read this are family members) that my parents are Fire Safety Clowns in the city of Lewisville. Every year in October, they, along with fellow clown Radio, go to schools and teach kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd graders Life Safety.
Their job of making a skit entertaining and educational for kids in that age range is hard and demanding, sometimes with their mission starting as early as March. Perhaps even earlier.
Cary has been the most amazing supportive husband and family man, so he and I have stepped up to be the clowns' media group, taking pictures, filming videos, writing scripts, and being assistants to the clowns with going to all the events as time allows.
Most of you know (as most who read this are family members) that my parents are Fire Safety Clowns in the city of Lewisville. Every year in October, they, along with fellow clown Radio, go to schools and teach kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd graders Life Safety.
Their job of making a skit entertaining and educational for kids in that age range is hard and demanding, sometimes with their mission starting as early as March. Perhaps even earlier.
Cary has been the most amazing supportive husband and family man, so he and I have stepped up to be the clowns' media group, taking pictures, filming videos, writing scripts, and being assistants to the clowns with going to all the events as time allows.
But a step further for Cary--he continuously is trying to maintain a website, as well as promotional items, to help get the word out.
I can't speak enough about the importance of Life Safety. And by that, I mean, What to do:
I can't speak enough about the importance of Life Safety. And by that, I mean, What to do:
- In case of a fire
- If your clothes catch on fire
- Smoke alarm education
- Swimming safety
- Crosswalk safety
- What to do when dialing 911 (the information to give)
- And so much more!
This might be common sense to some adults, but I am still learning new stuff all the time. Children are not born with this education, and it is up to families and teachers to help them understand this. This simple education could make the difference in life or death.
Please check out the website that Cary put together: http://www.lewisville-lafs.com/. Sit down with your kids and discuss the importance of being safe. It's never too early to start! Also, check out all these really cool items you can buy: http://www.cafepress.com/LewisvilleLAFS
His first design:
And his newest designs:
Thank you Cary for everything you do!
Thank you for paying me in food!
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