To all parents out there that happen to read my blog:
How do you get a 4 month old adjusted to a new schedule for sleeping/eating?
Brylee has been, for the last month or more, sleeping mostly through the night, with the exception of a bottle at 4 a.m. So, needless to say, that 4 a.m. became 5 a.m. this week with Daylight Savings time. I bet the 'inventor' of that didn't have to deal with infants and sleep, or a new job position that they are still getting to know...
I wake up at 6:00, so the 5 a.m. feedings pretty much leave me awake.
But wait, there's more! (that is one of the funniest lines ever, and I like to use it whenever I can). She has (just this week as well) started on a 1 a.m. feeding, leaving Cary and I wondering what happened that she suddenly feels the need for that additional time. Could it perhaps be a growth spurt?
If it were as easy as just the 5:00 feeding, I would set an alarm to surprise her with an earlier feeding so that way she would get onto that schedule, but with the 1 a.m. thrown in, I'm a little confused.
Any thoughts?
Thank you ahead of time!
From Nancy Ory via Facebook:
I think a lot of babies get a little messed up around 4 months old.(just when you THINK you've got it figured out!!) As far as the 1 am wake up, I'd try to soothe her back to sleep with out feeding. Then hopefully she'll realize it isn'tt w...orth it to wake up at 1:00.
The 5 am wake up, thats not to bad, you day starts a little earlier now! Good luck...This too shall pass!
From Becky Meisch via Facebook:
So if we just keep modifying the start time of the day she might just sleep all night!
From Amy Corry via Facebook:
It seemed to me when the kids were having a growth spurt sleep was always a problem. I also learned on baby 2 that I didn't have to run to him the minute I heard a cry, we let him cry a few minutes and most nights he would go back to sleep.... Then we would try the pat on the back instead of picking up.
Best Wishes for sure!!
via Facebook:
Thanks everyone for the input! We were shocked the first time we put the 'bow' back into her mouth and she accepted that instead of spitting it back out for food. We'll continue trying that and hopefully she'll get the idea.
Sleep well!
From Jacqueline Marchioni via Facebook:
Hope you get sleep my friend! Around 4 mo. old Lucas started waking more. At 6 mo. old we started the "crying it out" method, which was heartrenching at first but good in the long run. About 10-12 mo. he started sleeping through the nigh...t..8 pm - 8 am. Now I try to sing him to sleep and usually he holds his arms out to the crib like "just put me in bed already!"
But every baby and parents are different, I guess you have to find what works for you.
Here's a couple of good articles:
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