Friday, June 15, 2012

Maine Randoms

I know...I know...

It's been a while, Jenn.  Where have you been???

Well, let's see:

I started going to a new bible study at church on Wednesday morning, led by one of my friends, Tracey.  She is doing an excellent job and I have been getting a lot out of it.  The study is Crazy Love by Francis Chan.

We've been to Dallas, which mean I have another post to put up with lots of pics.  This trip was great and included yummy food, great weather, and good visits with family and friends!

B is now talking in full sentences, asking questions, correcting us, and just all around being a big girl.

We are also working on potty training as well as taking away her 'bow' at naps and night...we are more successful at night, mostly because it is both Cary and me, and he is more stubborn.   Potty training, well, it's taking some time.  When we convince her to sit on the big girl potty, she sits for long periods of time without any luck, but within 5 minutes of being up, she!

I got a part time job at the vet!!!  I start tomorrow, and find out the hours.  I am a nervous mommy because I have to find a day care for B, but fortunately it is part time, and it is at a REALLY nice vet (people and place), so I am looking forward to getting messy again and having something to talk about at the end of the day.

Writing is taking up a lot of time, and I still love it A LOT! My 'story' is now in 2 different versions with a third one to be worked on...all to get my 3 favorite readers to check them out and see which one carries more weight.

B also eats the weirdest things:  oranges dipped in ketchup...strawberries dipped in ranch...cinnamon toast dipped in you see the pattern???

Now, for some odd things we have seen along the way here in Small Town, Maine:

We were in Dallas for 10 days, and in that time frame, suddenly EVERYTHING became green.  The trees are all in full bloom, making you feel like you are...surrounded by a lot of green things...

A lot more critters are out, and we've seen skunks, raccoons, deer, chipmunks, porcupines, groundhogs, squirrels, snapping turtles...

The owner of the Drive-In Movie Theater has always reminded me of John Locke from "LOST" and whenever I see him running on the side of the road, we wave to "Mr. Locke".  Well, he has grown out his hair (he used to shave it) and the last time we were out to see a movie, Cary asked one of the employees if he has ever been compared to him.  Apparently, he has by a lot of people and it is a big 'no-no'...he doesn't like the comparison!!!  So now, I call him Mr. Non-Locke.

Driving past my church one day last week, I saw a person walking up the drive and someone chasing them.  I was a bit freaked out because I couldn't tell if the person chasing was trying to sneak up or not.  As I drove by, I looked in my rear view mirror and watched the sneak-ee punch the sneak-er!!!  I turned around to make sure it wasn't a big fight breaking out, and notice it was a girl who punched the guy...they were at that moment sitting on the ground talking/yelling...I didn't know what to do, but now looking back, I should have called the church and told anyone that was there to watch them and make sure it didn't get bad again.  It was an eventful moment in a small place!

And as we were driving down our small, non-paved road just about a block away from home, we saw a hitchhiker.  In a residential area???  3 miles from a main road???  Needless to say, we didn't offer him a ride...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

And Don't Let Me Forget To Add....

Over a month ago (March 20th to be exact), Brylee decided to get into a fight with the bench that is part of our (rental) dinner table.  She slid underneath it to try to get to Chester...and somehow managed to pull the bench over on her little hand.

Unfortunately, more damage was done to her little hand than the bench, but I think the most hurt was my heart.  The poor little can see from the pictures below how her middle finger was the most affected, turning a nasty black and blue.

Thanks to Jon, a friend who happens to be a paramedic, he gave me advice on what point to take her to the ER (no urgent care except for evenings) and things to do to help her hand feel better.  Within days, B was looking at her fingers, saying 'boo boo', but refusing to leave the band-aids on.

She lost her fingernail a couple of weeks ago, but doesn't seemed bothered at all with this.  What a brave little girl!

Ninjago With A Special Guest

So we took B to go see Ninjago, The LEGO movie a couple of weeks ago, and by we, I mean Cary, myself, my dad, grandfather. Odd co...