Thursday, November 25, 2010

What I Am Most Grateful For 2010

A husband that makes me laugh everyday

A little girl that has clothes that fit her funny, or perhaps her mom makes them funny, but yet she still manages to make them look good

My two favorite guys and their enjoyment of geocaching together (yes, we went out in the cold weather today!)

Four beautiful girls who somehow coordinated their outfits today (1 without knowing!), and the poor lonely boy who is great with them!

A cousin that showed off his cool leg today for the first time!

And 4 incredible grandparents that will do anything this little one!

I hope that everyone had as great of a Thanksgiving as we did. Remember to count your blessings and remember what God has given you!

The Turtles I Couldn't Save

Wednesday came early for us this week, where we set out to Sulphur Springs to have the McFadden Thanksgiving, as well as celebrate 2 special birthdays.

Brad and Faith were wonderful to open up their new home to us a day before the big day to do all of this celebrating. And as always, what a wonderful time!

The day was even more special because it was Faith's birthday, and we also got to celebrate the day with Cary's Aunt Peggy and Cousin Gail. It has been over a year since I have seen these two ladies, and it was so nice to see them again.

Along with the huge feast of turkey, sweet potatoes, pasta salad, green beans wrapped in bacon, broccoli rice casserole, rolls, and stuffing, we also had several tasty desserts including pumpkin spice cake with cheese cake cream, fruit cake, chocolate pie, and even little cakes that were 'practices' for Brylee's smash cake!

After eating our meal, Brylee took a short nap and we took advantage of the opportunity to put the attention on Faith and her big day. She got spoiled with gifts!

Then Brylee got her turn. She sat in Faith's lap and got to 'open' her gifts. What a great supply of toys she got!

It was then time to put her in her high chair and let her play with the cake that her Oma worked so hard on. It was a spice cake shaped like a was the cutest thing I have ever seen! Practicing to make it perfect, Brenda made an additional 3, which were all just as cute.

Unfortunately, Brylee did the exact same thing she did at her previous party: stick her hand in the cake, taste it, and then wanted to go away. Cary and I now think that she wanted to not play with the cake because so many people were watching. Kind of sad that she has let 2 perfectly good smash cakes go to waste...especially after all the time used to make them!

It was a beautiful day, even more so with spending time with such great people in the family. Brylee absolutely loves all of her gifts, most particularly the little doggie and wagon. She hasn't really been able to part with them since!

The remaining 3 (now 2) turtles Brenda worked so hard on now sit in my kitchen...oblivious to their impending fate.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Weekend Of Family, Cake, And Giving

And it wasn't even Thanksgiving yet!

Saturday was the Jarvis party for little Brylee's 1st birthday. It was actually the celebration for everyone who has a birthday in November: Barbara, Grandpa J, Erica, Faith, Jeff, Whitney, but it was obvious that all the attention went to her.

The party began around 1:00 when family and friends gathered around to watch Brylee smash up her cake. This group included Bill, Whitney, Amy, Mike, Spencer, Stacy, Erica, Austin, Jeff, Regina, Melissa, my parents and Cary and I. We usually don't have our game nights until around 5 p.m., but dad and Jeff had to go to dj at a wedding, and we wanted to make sure that B-pa got to see his little destroy her cake.

At 1:30 we got some adorable pre-shots of Brylee in her little outfit, and then pulled out the cake and let her go...

And watched her do very little. The girl did not want to go crazy and destroy the cake! She was content with putting her hand in it, tasting a little, and then moving on...We (I) finally got her messy by putting my hand in the icing and putting it on her little face. She was not too happy with it, but I think Whitney got some great shots in anyways.

After letting her play with it for a few minutes, we moved everyone indoors and served up cake. And then dad and Jeff were off!

After a quick bath, Brylee was happy again and ready to play with her guests. And open gifts!

(pre-party when Brylee was playing with her horsey that her friend Dawn gave her)

(love the turkey tush!)

Giving Austin a little football peptalk

She enjoyed playing with the cans that we asked for people to bring for donating. Our goal was to collect her weight's worth...16 1/2 lbs, but ended up with 42.6 lbs. And that is only for what was there! A dear friend of mine said she donated 8 bags worth of food to her local shelter just a day before! Thank you for such generous donations, everyone! I hope this helps others have a very happy and tasty holiday season!

Her daddy helped her unwrap her gifts since she lost interest in unwrapping them quickly. But she loved the outcomes!

Around 7 p.m. my cousin Kim showed up with her husband and 3 little girls, Addison, Reagan, and Gracyn. They all played so well together! Kim brought some toys and clothes that her little ones have grown out of, doubling her gifts that she had already received! Books, videos, puzzles, oh my! What an amazing gift! Thank you Addison, Reagan, and Gracyn for all of the adorable things! Brylee is so excited to play and wear all of these!

Here are some additional gifts she received:

This beautiful purple and pink quilt that her Great Granny W made her. It reminds me of my favorite quilt I have now she had made when I was in middle school. I can't wait to show her how I use mine for naps still, and she will someday do the same!

More gifts she received includes several books, a walker/scooter, 2 outfits and 1 jammie set, a tea party set, an alphabet caterpillar, a bath toy, a glow worm, tons of bubbles, a bucket that helps with shapes...the list goes on and on!

My favorites? Well, everything of course! But I am really excited about one of her books that introduces more words. It is more advanced than the Little Einstein book she has, and so much more added...those home made flash cards are no longer needed!

A super big THANK YOU! to everyone who came to the party, and for all of her wonderful gifts. She is one truly blessed little girl, and I love that she has so many amazing people in her life!

And after all of this, she still wasn't finished! On Sunday, her Oma and Opa gave her 3 adorable outfits and a music cd. AND she has more to go when we visit Uncle Brad, Aunt Faith, and Cousin Helen on Wednesday for the McFadden Thanksgiving. I can't wait to post more!

But for now, I'll leave you with a tease of the adorable pictures that Whitney took on Saturday. Please check out her website to see more of them! And I strongly recommend her for all of your portrait needs...she is excellent!

November is now my favorite month! What a gorgeous day to celebrate friends and family, and just have an awesome party. I hope everyone else had as much fun as we did, and I can't wait for Thursday to do it all again!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

12 Month Information

Well, first I would love to say a very big 'Thank You!' for all of your warm birthday wishes for little Brylee.

She had a fabulous day, from receiving a balloon and present on the patio from her T-Ma and B-Pa, going on her first trip to Going Bonkers, seeing her B-Pa/Ashes, to going to Sweet Tomato (and eating ice cream with her momma) and opening 2 of her many gifts this evening...

And now, for the stuff you all have bee waiting for: her 12 month stats...


She STILL has no teeth...yeah. We thought she was finally teething a little over a week ago, but it turns out she had a cold. But after a day, only a runny nose told you that she was 'sick'...she has such a wonderful, happy spirit!

She is still not walking, either. We see her so close to doing this, but she seems to not be too confident in herself. But we are always keeping a close eye on her! She stands on her own really well, as well as walks around by holding onto it is only a matter of time!

She loves to babble and we have heard little things here and there, like 'momma', 'ba', 'dadda', 'pa'...some a lot more than others. But she has started mimicking more. My mom has been recovering from something, and has been coughing. When she coughed, Brylee looked at her and coughed back. We got a great laugh out of it, and love to see if she does it again here and there.

We are still moving very slow when it comes to food. Probably too slow for the likes of pediatricians, but it is not fun seeing her gag and then wear it whenever it she gets choked up on the bigger pieces of food. But tonight she ate pasta noodles, cut up, but still bigger than anything she has really eaten before (besides her snacks). I hope we can make progress soon...

We are also working on her signing. She can say 'thank you' (same as throwing kisses), 'please', 'hi' 'bye', 'milk', 'more', and my favorite, 'all done!' (throwing her hands in the air excitedly). I say she can sign these, but in truth we are still telling her to do these in the fitting places. Someday she will pick up the pattern and use them, but we are very excited still to see her mimic our actions and learn!

Birthday Note

Dear Brylee,

A year ago today I laid on a bed surrounded by friends and family, heart and blood pressure monitors, and was denied any form of food or beverage, just waiting for our lives to change forever. I had no idea what kind of change that would be.

You came into our lives when you were just 36 weeks in development, but to me, that 36 weeks could not prepare me. In fact, I often say that God put you into our lives at the time He did because had I waited too much longer, I would have been far beyond nervous, thinking about the things that had to be done to prepare for you. I hadn't even packed my bag for the hospital yet!

When I first held you, late into the evening after surgery and a short, drugged rest, I didn't know what to do. You were this tiny being that your daddy and I were now responsible for, and I didn't feel all that maternal. I have seen television shows and stories from people around me how they cried happy tears when they first lay eyes on their child. I didn't. What was wrong with me?!

Looking back now, 1 year ago, it must have been shock. Because now, I crave so much time with you. I love to watch you smile, laugh, and explore. Nothing gives me more fulfillment than when you talk, kiss, and make your little expressions. I look at you and just can't believe that something so beautiful has half of my genes.

I don't know how you did it, but you managed to steal the hearts of so many. To see the people around you melt when you smile, and laugh when you pull your silly acts, lets me know that you truly are a blessing from above. Is it normal to have men like your Uncle Brad and Uncle Bill coo over babies? It is quite a sight to see!

Brylee, I know this world has so much for you. So much to explore and take in. And someday to apply your talents. But for now, I cherish holding you and showing you the simple things and watch your imagination grow. You are my little love, my Brylee little angel.

Happy birthday to my beautiful little girl. May God continue to show you His wonders and guide us as you grow to be the best child you can be for Him.

Love always,


Ninjago With A Special Guest

So we took B to go see Ninjago, The LEGO movie a couple of weeks ago, and by we, I mean Cary, myself, my dad, grandfather. Odd co...