Saturday, March 23, 2013

Brylee And The Case Of The Missing Monkey

For Christmas, Brylee got a recycled monkey from our Playgroup Christmas Exchange.  The thing is her favorite thing in the entire world!

So, one night we couldn't find George the Monkey (I should have named him Micky, Mike, Peter, or Davy...) and surprisingly, B slept through the night with another toy instead.  But of course, the next morning, he was the first thing she looked for.  So, the hunt began again...

He wasn't in the toy box, under the couches or beds.  He wasn't at Oma's and Opa's, or in the cars.  Then it dawned on me:  Brylee loves her racing turtle.  And to stuff random stuff in there, too.  So we checked there...

And YAY!!!  We found Curious George!

Thank goodness, because I don't know if we would  have been able to find another one of him!

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