Thursday, August 28, 2014

1 1/3 years later....

So much has changed since the last time I have written, including our setting. In May, after a visit to Dallas, Cary sat down with me and we made the (hard) decision to move back home. I had just started getting to that comfortable place, but for the benefit of our family, we packed back up and came home on August 12, 2013.

Since then, I've gotten a job at State Farm Insurance again (doing the job I used to dream of of having while answering phones before), Cary has gotten the opportunity to relax a little longer and worked temporarily at American Airlines. As much as I enjoyed being a stay-at-home mom, it felt good to take the earning position in hopes that it made up for the 3 years of him working hard.

I also still love to write. My mind is still on the fiction that I've been working on for nearly 4 years, Proven. I have finally put it aside at 97,000 words and I am 66,000 into its second. On occasion, I work on a third, a completely different story. My mind is constantly going with ideas, and the days I don't get the chance to write, I feel it in ways I can't explain.

Brylee has grown unbelievably. She now attends a Christian daycare/pre-k 5 days a week, takes a taekwondo class 3 days a week (she got her orange belt on August 1, 2014 and can't wait to get her yellow), and is smarter and feistier than ever. She received an award at school that said that she has the Most Personality, which is another way to say she's the class clown. She's a laugh a minute when she's in a good mood. But if she's not, or she's not up for obeying, watch out. Right now, when she grows up she wants to be a pilot.

So, here's to my attempt to balance yet another thing and update my blog more often, more for the hope that Brylee will someday be able to look back on this and see how crazy/busy/loving her life was and what her family was like.


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