Thursday, March 29, 2012

Not Your Normal Weekend

Well, normal weekends don't exist this time of year for us right now, as they consist of Cary and Brenda working every day until tax season is over (come on April something!!!)

This weekend, however, was pretty fun and different, starting with celebrating Brenda's birthday with lunch, presents and turtle cheesecake! Somehow I managed to get zero pictures of her gifts, which consisted of 2 necklaces, a ton of blueberry stuff, and an electric griddle!  Cary, did you get any?  If so, send them this way!

However, I did manage to get pictures of me earning some 'Cool Mom' points with Brylee by getting her a bubble gun:

Sunday turned out to be a potential for some great amphibian crossings with the temperatures in the forties and raining nearly all day.  So after going to youth group that night, Cary, Brylee and I went to kill 30ish minutes at Dunkin Donuts getting hot chocolate and of course, donuts!

 And then it was on to Big Night with the LEA, a night where we assist amphibians like Yellow Spotted Salamanders, Wood Tree Frogs, and Spring Peepers in crossing the road so that they can get to their vernal pool to reproduce without getting squished by cars.

Big Night ended up being 'Not-So-Big-Night' with us only finding 3 critters to cross the road, but that means there is some great potential for another Big Night when we get out of the drizzling snow and rain in the 30's during the day thing. 

We found 2 salamanders (the other begged for 'no photos please!':
I found this guy while waiting for a car to pass!
Brylee seemed to have fun with us, riding on her daddy's shoulders and helping us spot cars so that none of us got hit by one.  I do hope she got the opportunity to see the critters and someday she'll be ready to walk along with us and spot them herself.

I can't wait for the next Big Night!!!

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