Saturday, February 25, 2012

One Year In New Life, ME

Yesterday marked one year since Cary and I drove our cars from our final hotel stay in New York to Maine. 

One year ago today, my parents made the plane trip with our little one to this new and slightly foreign world.

 (Brylee 1 year ago)

One year ago this weekend, I felt more floods of emotions than I could ever imagine as I saw our new home, began the (fun) task of unpacking, celebrated a birthday, and then bid good-bye to my parents for several months, only seeing them sporadically through the year.

In that year, I battled depression, gained weight, stepped out of my comfort zone, found new weekly rituals, found a new church, joined a playgroup, got involved in church, met some wonderful new people of all ages, from smiley, drool-y Addison and Hosea and their older friends and siblings, to their moms, to the youth and elders at our church.

My new friends have been the greatest gift in this new journey so far. 
I have also learned that even though I was close to my parents, I have learned what it means to truly miss them and make the most of our visits together.  I have also somehow come closer to other family outside my parents, even reconnecting with an aunt I have not really had a conversation with in several years. 

I have also reconnected with a longtime passion:  writing.  As of this morning, I am 38,000 words in on a story I am bound and determined to complete, get advice on, and maybe, just maybe, see if it is worth publishing.  

And the new life has also been made incredible by the man I have promised the rest of my life with.  He has comforted me in my hardest times, laughed with me at my silly stories, and taken me on adventures to the surrounding towns/cities, to hockey games, and discovering more small town joys together.  He and his parents have been great sources of strength for me, and incredibly helpful in so many ways.

During this past year, I have learned how to appreciate life without chain restaurants within 30 minutes (Dunkin Donuts and Subway are the only ones in our little town), learned how to adjust to places closing at 5 p.m. (or for the entire season) in the winter months, and to drive in snow, long stretches of two-lane highway, and realizing that the majority of people live off some beaten paths instead of close to the main roads.  We have just moved into our second (rental) home, 10 minutes off of the main road.  Whoever knew this area existed?!

It's not unusual for me to have my rough times here, but if I had made us stay in Texas, I know I would be kicking myself for denying us an opportunity of what has been so far a great adventure.  I have no idea what the future holds for us, but for now, even when it is the hardest, I will turn to our Lord and know that I am not weak for missing my family intensely, just someone who learned how to love and appreciate what she had and struggled a little to let go.

 (Brylee today)

However, that being said, I am truly looking forward to my trip back to my hometown in May, to enjoy visiting with my wonderful family and celebrate life and adventures with them.


cary said...

I love you so....

The Guess Family said...

Great post!!! Way to go for making the best of are doing a great job making your new place home! :)

Ninjago With A Special Guest

So we took B to go see Ninjago, The LEGO movie a couple of weeks ago, and by we, I mean Cary, myself, my dad, grandfather. Odd co...