Saturday, April 7, 2012

Two Days Of Pre-Easter...And A Day Of Storms

April 2nd:

Our typical day.  Wake up, eat breakfast, play, eat lunch, nap, play... you get the idea.  Except it wasn't typical with our Playgroup's Easter Egg hunt!  Oh fun!

So many eggs!  So much fun!  We took 42 filled eggs to the group to walk away with 14...but this momma isn't complaining...we have so many more from B's t, poppy, and granny j, not to mention I have several to dye today!

April 3rd:

Tuesday, things were a bit more stressful for this Texas-to-Maine transfer:

A package arrived here from my parents that they wanted to watch B open that evening, so on my way to pick up the package from Cary (he wasn't going to be home in time to skype with my family due to late nights with tax season) when I received a message from a friend stating that there have been reports of 5 tornadoes in Dallas.

And of course my reaction was, 5?  today?

(image found on

On my way home, I called my dad and asked how it was out his way and he was on the way to the fire station to watch the weather.  And as soon as I got home, I tuned into and watched with stress as tornado warnings kept being given for all of the towns I knew, video footage of tornadoes ripping through the DFW area, and trying to make sure all of my family and friends were safe.

By the end of the day, a dozen tornadoes hit the area, a large portion of my friends and family had to take cover twice, there was hail damage on several vehicles, and my heart had a workout without even turning on Prayfit...

The biggest blessing is that there were no serious injuries to anyone that was hit by the storms (maybe a broken neck?  that's pretty serious though...).  Homes and businesses, and 18 wheelers were damaged, but much more easily replaced than a loved one.

So the evening was much more relaxing and allowed us to experience this:

And on Wednesday, I got this beautiful bouquet:


I joked with mom when I called her to say 'thank you' that I was glad that nothing bad had happened to my family with the storms the previous day and then received these from the next...

But truly, no matter what possessions and packages I receive, nothing compares to that of my family and friends, and the storms on Tuesday reminded me of what really is important to me.  I thank God for keeping all of them safe!

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