Monday, August 10, 2009

Remembering to Praise God

As most of you know, Cary and I are regular attendants of Fellowship Church ( and love to pass on Ed's messages to others. But during the week, Cary listens to Craig Groeschel, the senior pastor at and the messages he brings.

We first discovered Craig when Fellowship was joining with hundreds of other churches to do a united series, One Prayer. Craig did a guest sermon, and Cary and I walked away very moved by the message. You can see that here:

Of course, I also encourage you to check out his other messages. Another one that has affected me in many ways is The Vow ( The first message of this series is very powerful. It talks about how to keep your priorities:

God should be your #1
Your Spouse should be your #2
Then your children, work...

I like this message, and think about it daily. Which leads me to a question I have: How do you keep God #1 in your life when it is so easy to get swept up with your husband, children, family, friends, work....

I find myself talking to God here and there on a daily basis, and Cary is really good at making sure we sit down on the weeknights and read a chapter of the Bible and praying. But unfortunately, I tend to go about my day without conversing much with Him, or taking the time to listen to Him. And I need it, with the way my job makes me crazy at times.

So--how do you keep God your #1 priority? Any suggestions on how to listen to Him better when there are so many physical distractions in our day?


Cary said...

That is a very good question. The only bit of insight i have is that the more i converse with Him the easier it is to remember Him and the bigger picture throught the day.

(P.S. the One Prayer Message is by far the best message I have every heard.)

The Guess Family said...

When baby comes, especially if you are nursing, you will have lots of quiet time....bottle feeding too, actually! When I only had one, those were great times to talk to God. I always tried to keep the TV off during feedings (and all day for that matter), so I could focus on important things.

It is a little crazier during feedings now, and defintely not usually quiet, but my girls remind me to pray. They often have somebody or something that they spontaneously want to pray for throughout the day. It is such sweetness to see!

Ninjago With A Special Guest

So we took B to go see Ninjago, The LEGO movie a couple of weeks ago, and by we, I mean Cary, myself, my dad, grandfather. Odd co...