Tuesday, November 29, 2011


On Saturday, November 12, Cary and I experienced our first AHL game in Maine--the Portland Pirates versus the Providence Bruins.

Before the game, Cary and I took the opportunity to go birthday shopping for Brylee, and then went to dinner at IHOP, where I attempted some exquisite pancakes:  white chocolate chip peppermint.  Oh my!  So delicious, but I know that this is a try-once-per-holiday thing.  Cary had pecan praline pancakes, which he also raved about.  

As always, hockey is exciting and fun to go to--and the experience made even more fun when you sit at the boards...hence all of the pictures of close-up hockey players...I was determined to get a face-against-the-plexiglass-picture...and these ended up being the best shots.

This guy became my favorite 'player'...well, because the poor guy had to sit at the end of the rink, where his team entered and exited the ice.  The benches were too small for him to even sit with his team!


The final score of the night was 4-2.  I love the saying, "Never leave a hockey game", and this is why this is so true:  the score was 3-2 with the Pirates in the lead.  With 1 1/2 minutes left in the game, the Bruins pulled their goalie (not the guy sitting in the swivel chair) to allow a 6th man on the ice, but as the buzzer went off signalling the end of the game (literally), the Pirates scored an empty-netter, giving them a finishing score of 4-2.  Go Pirates!!!
Hockey is the best, especially live!  Can't wait to go again, and perhaps take little B with us.  I think she might even enjoy the players slamming into the boards!

Go Pirates!!

Project 52: 47/52 Heaps

Snow anyone?

Project 52: 46/52 Most Important Thing In Life

Please forgive my blurry camera edges.  The little guy is still holding on, and I'm not letting go!

So, how do you express the Most Important Thing In Life, when it is really not a physical thing that can be photographed?

How about by showing a picture of something that is very important to you, which is a true gift from Him?

Our amazing family at Thanksgiving.  More on that to come!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Peek Into Brylee's Future...

2 short years and already we are trying to figure out Brylee's career path...poor kid...

So this are possibilities based on things we have seen her do.  Ready for the list?  Here we go!


Food critic:



Driver's Ed teacher:

Fashion trender:


Marine Biologist:


Music Producer:

Super hero:

Legendary character:

Or a singer:

So many possibilities, so many years to have to wait!  No pressure though, Brylee.  All we ask is to live life to the fullest, and keep us guessing on what you are going to do!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Brylee's 2 Years!

Last year, I wrote Brylee a sweet note telling her how much she has changed our lives, and how much my love for her had grown over just a short year.  That note still holds true today.

My heart smiles whenever I hear her voice squeak out "Mom-MI!" in the mornings as she stands (sometimes patiently) at the gate in her bedroom.  Though that time in the morning has been really early lately (5:00 a.m. anyone?), I still love sitting down, wrapping up in a blanket together and cuddling while she drinks her milk and watch t.v.  It is rare otherwise to get such cuddle time, so I will take advantage of it while I can.

Her vocabulary is extraordinary, thanks to her fondness of singing and learning new words from us.  She will repeat anything we ask her to say, even though they might be a bit jumbled...but the smile on her face when we cheer her on is one of a kind.

Speaking of singing, this girl loves to sing at the top of her lungs with a decent playlist:  ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Pat-A-Cake, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Happy Birthday, Happy Trails, and so many others...unfortunately, when it's at the top of her lungs, it's not pretty.  If she decides to be a singer, the sooner we invest in voice lessons, the better in this case...

She loves to play with Chester, and will take the opportunity any chance she gets to pet him and play tug-of-war with him.  Chester is incredibly patient, only twice getting tired of the extra attention (sometimes tail-grabbing) and gets sent downstairs.  But her laughter warms my heart while throwing the ball.  He thinks she's pretty cool, too, especially when there is food involved...

She has some good friends at her playgroup, and we are working on playdates and more one-on-one time with individual kids and their mommies...Unfortunately, at the same time, Brylee has become more 'aggressive', a little pushy and toy possessive.  But I know all kids go through that stage, but I want to limit it as much as possible, because I know the kid...she is a strong individual and will need that training to understand the power of kindness and friendship.

The last few playgroups we have had to leave early, though, because she is just tired and cranky, and just wants to nap.  Because we have had things going on literally 7 days a week, she and I are working on taking at least one or two days off to do nothing...even stay in our 'jammies' all day if we wanted to...

She loves to color, paint, glue...craft in general.  She still loves to read books, and loves music.  She has seen 4 movies, "X-Men:  First Class" (drive-in movies where Kung Fu Panda was not working), "Winnie The Pooh", "The Smurfs", and "Puss In Boots".  PIB kept her attention the best, but probably because she was just older when we saw it.

She is such an incredibly picky eater, and it is a daily struggle to make sure she eats something semi-nutritious.  But we have had break-throughs with green peas, corn, and spinach...so glad that even just nibbles are staying in her mouth!

So, here's to another amazing year with our beautiful child who is growing so fast, so smart, and so independent.  So hard to believe that it's been 2 years, even though it seems so much less sometimes...and so much longer other times...

We love you so much, little Brylee.  Thank you for 2 great years!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The MisAdventures Of The Holiday Spirit

Samaritan's Purse has been in action here in the Maine area for the last month, and Cary has been nothing but supportive to let me get into the spirit of giving, helping me with ideas to fill 2 boxes for some little boy and girl out there.  Well, today was the day to be able to finish it off and turn it in, just before the deadline. 

And just to prove to you how crazy this project has been today, I didn't even get any pictures!

Yesterday, Brylee and I went to the Family Dollar to finish up the boxes with soaps, toothbrushes, toothpastes, and hair things.  We had a great time letting her get involved in making tiny decisions, like the cute hair clips that went into a little girl's box.

Let me back up just slightly:

One box was filled with playing cards, play-doh, puzzles, pens and paper.  I personally think it was innovative, encouraging hours of playing fun with one or more people...and intentionally non-gender specific.  Except we have to place labels on the box that say Boy or Girl.  Nothing that says Either.

So the first box I decided would be for a boy, ages 5-7, because maybe it will inspire creativity and perhaps a little magician.

The second box happened unintentionally--by beginning with a purchase of a big stuffed teddy bear.  If you spent $50 at Toys R Us, the teddy bear was $5.  Easily done after buying all of Brylee's birthday gifts Saturday.  So we decided some little girl needed to cuddle with a teddy bear, that will most likely be bigger than her...

So...all of this sounds nice and good, right?  Here's where it got...'messy'...

The big, cuddly plush bear?  Wouldn't fit into the biggest shoe box we had in our closet.  It took a lot to close the top, and hopefully some weight will help flatten plushy until time to be opened.  Or maybe re-boxed.  I put a rubber band over it, but one broke, and the second seems stretched to it's limit.  Let's hope that it doesn't take an eye out...

The box for the boy is not in the best of shape.  It is falling apart at the seams, which I didn't really realize until I took them up to church today.  Which started a little tape-me-up fix...which resulted in the breaking of the plastic tape dispenser...So the next person that goes into church looking for tape will find one with a broken, taped up dispenser which may or may not allow them to actually tape.

So, now on to wrap Brylee's birthday gifts, feel guilty that a little boy and little girl are getting shoe boxes that are less-than-decorative, over-stuffed, and falling apart.  Perhaps I'll replace the tape dispenser afterwards. 

It IS the thought that counts...right?

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Project 52: 45/52 Innocence

With this Project, I once more turn to my favorite subject:  the toddler.  

As I was uploading photos from a hockey game Cary and I went to this last weekend, I came upon more of these.  The funny thing is, I don't know if I recall when this happened.  

Sure, she's had my camera...and probably the reason why it is not in the best of shape these days, but it sure does make a nice surprise to find after the crazy weird time we had last week...


 Since I did not take these pictures, I will find another one that I DID take...

It is really heartbreaking to see your child cry*, but most of the time when I do make her cry, it's with her safety in mind...here, I made her sit down when she wanted to stand on the (wet) bathroom counter.  I wanted to get a picture of her "Huckleberry" look, and she didn't cooperate.  However, within seconds of taking the picture, she found a brush, makeup and a compact mirror to entertain her...no more tears!

*oddly enough, when she starts crying, I tend to laugh.  Perhaps it's to keep me from having a melt-down?  But while I'm laughing, I'm also comforting her...

Yep.  Mom Of The Year, right here.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


It started with a dream:  to do good.

All we needed were the proper disguises
 And then we became:

 And Toy Titan!
 Flying around to find ways to help others in need:
 And hoping we don't get caught along the way:
Befriending people of all kinds:

Doggies, Monsters, and Butterflies! (and Skunks, and Pumpkins, and Spidermans, and princesses, and Baseball Kings!)

And more scarecrows!
 Don't forget a stop at the local library to make more friends!
Pesky snow!  You think you can ruin our day before Halloween?
 Ha!  We'll show you! 
Another job well done! Back to the Toddler Cave!
Happy Halloween 2011!

Ninjago With A Special Guest

So we took B to go see Ninjago, The LEGO movie a couple of weeks ago, and by we, I mean Cary, myself, my dad, and...my grandfather. Odd co...