Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm Happy To Report...

Babies here, babies there, babies EVERYWHERE!

I found out that a couple of weeks ago that one of my best friends from high school, Steve, is expecting his first child with his beautiful wife, Marika. This baby already takes after Steve in being mischevious, because several sonograms, and they don't know what the sex is!

Then last week, I found out that one of my current best friends (and honorary Maid-of-Honor in my wedding) is expecting her first child, a little boy! He is due to bless this earth in early July.

Along with a co-worker (expecting a little boy in June), another co-worker whose sister is expecting their first, and my cousin (due to have her 3rd girl in March), there are babies all around!

Congratulations everyone for their new blessings, and I can't wait to meet them!

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