Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Moment Please...

I would like to take a moment to express myself. Most times I am able to hold it in, and let the embers burn on the inside. But not now. Not after this week I'm having.

I hate rude people. H.A.T.E. God is probably wincing at that word, but right now I feel this intensely in me.

I don't care if you are older, more attractive, or have more money than me, but you do NOT have the right to treat me like scum on the bottom of your shoe. I am a human being, just like you, your mother, father, siblings, and spouse, and YES, I do have feelings.

The worst part about people like you are how you push your way to get what you want, whether it is a return on an object that doesn't exist in the store you are trying to return it in, or if you are demanding immediate answers for something that cannot be delivered immediately. People are doing their jobs, and by denying you these immediate pleasures, keeping what they were trained to do, and keeping their jobs. Because you think you are better, you whine like a baby and throw a temper-tantrum. Get over yourselves.

Learn to wait in line like everyone else, and also to pay attention to the things you are doing. Perhaps it will keep you from experiencing the frustration you have, and pointing fingers (remember that saying--point 1 finger, 3 more point back at you).

Smile and be courteous to people around you, and understand that they may not have the training, or the position to do what you are requesting. And breathe deep. Count to 10. Walk away. And find God. If you think you have found Him, think to yourself, "Would He treat anyone like that?" I highly doubt it.

Ok. Back to work. This week has been full of nothing but rude people, and I just needed to get that off my chest before I told someone that to their face (or ear).


Autumn said...

I'm so sorry you are having such a bad day. It amazes me more and more how entitled people feel to treat others so poorly. We just have to kill them with kindness---the go home and have lots of hot cocoa and back massages from our significant others! ;)

Anonymous said...

I saw tell them. you are better than them, I have proof, and they have not right to treat you any less. It is not your job to put up with it. I love you and many others do to and it makes us sick to think that people are allowed to treat you less than special.

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, keep up the chin. I understand because I work daily with people like that. You do not know how much the Mama Bear in me comes out when I hear of people being so, so, so....treating you like this. Do as I do and think of your happy thoughts. Cary, Chester, dad. Kill them with kindness that always gets them. Go to you happy place.......

Ninjago With A Special Guest

So we took B to go see Ninjago, The LEGO movie a couple of weeks ago, and by we, I mean Cary, myself, my dad, grandfather. Odd co...