Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Help! It's Snowing...

Really Big Snowflakes!!!

For lack of better things to call it, these are huge! I know that they are really big clumps of snowflakes, but aww-inspiring nonetheless.

But despite the fun of playing in what has accumulated on the patio (Brylee has taken to trying to eat the snow, so this might be 'cleaner' than what is on the street below), I am ready for more color, which was peeking out just yesterday.

I guess I bring with me the Texas quote: "If you don't like the weather here, just wait 15 minutes."

Yesterday this patio had no sign of snow on it:

And as of 3:00 p.m. this afternoon, this is how much it has snowed:

Second attempt at Brylee making a snow angel. I'll call it, "The Headless Snow Angel".

Ahhh, cinnamon hot cocoa, how you bring me such joy!


Jenn said...

From Brad via Facebook:

you guys are insane. Its supposed to be 82 here today

Jenn said...

From Eric via Facebook:

hope all is well. hope you have a nice 2days of spring and your 3weeks of summer when it gets there. warm and windy here

Ninjago With A Special Guest

So we took B to go see Ninjago, The LEGO movie a couple of weeks ago, and by we, I mean Cary, myself, my dad, grandfather. Odd co...