Friday, February 12, 2010

Snowed In...Or At Least The Kid Is...

For those of you that are not aware: there is a ton of snow outside!!! The news said that this is the most snow ever in Dallas, or something like that. I just wish Brylee was old enough to understand the greatness of it all.

I did take a small snowball and put it on Brylee's hand to introduce cold to her. We got a big smile our of her and then an expression of confusion. But I could see the little wheels cranking in her head--so neat!

Yesterday, our jobs closed early (Cary's at 3:00, mine at 4:00), so it allowed me to come home and have the opportunity to do a little cleaning that I have been wanting to do with her closet and the laundry room (and build a snowman!)...but before you knew it, it was time to start getting ready for the night, including reading a chapter from Harry Potter!

This morning when I woke up, I checked Brylee's daycare website where it showed that they would be closed for the day. And her being out of the daycare for the day = day off for me! However I am bummed for 2 reasons:

1) Brylee's daycare friends were going to have a 'Valentine Party' today, trading valentine cards. I guess in a few years, there will be cards, cookies, and other munchies passed around, so that is something to look forward to

2) Today was going to be my last day working in the Resource center, working side by side with Penny, Lori, Nikitha, Ramona, Brittani, Janell...all of the friends I have made in my 2 years at State Farm. My 2 year anniversary was also on Thursday, so it was perfect timing...On Monday I need to go in early and pack up my desk. That will bring tears to my eyes, because I will truly miss these ladies, but I am ready for a new challenge, one that will bring me bigger prospects in the future! (and I'm just around the corner from them!)

In Brylee news, she is 12 weeks (is that officially 3 months, or do we wait until 2/18?), and nothing but smiles. It is so nice to see the smiling, as for a while, I thought we had a serious child on our hands. With our family, laughter and smiles are important, so she is learning the joys of humor.

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Ninjago With A Special Guest

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