Friday, February 26, 2010

A Day The World Changed For The Better

Today is the celebration of birth for someone incredibly important to me: Cary.

Three years ago when we were just starting our relationship, I had no idea what I would be in for. All this time with him has been adventurous and exciting, and every day I love him more and more.

This guys seems like he will do anything for me. Including allowing me to take pictures of him being silly. He is so patient and loving, never showing anything but interest in what I am interested in and helping me expand with more.

He is creative. He is an excellent photographer, artist, and comedian. Whenever I am sad, I know that he will be there to make me smile and then forget all of my pain or anger.

He is an incredible man of God. I know that I can ask him questions, and either he has an answer that I understand, or we search for it together. He reaches out to people he knows (and also people he doesn't quite know) to invite them to church, in hopes that maybe this will be the life-changing event that someone needs.

He is a proud Chester-owner. Our first 'child', and this dog loves his 'daddy'. The moment Cary found him on, this dog was destined to be with us. I love that Cary likes animals.

And now, he is a wonderful father. I love to see him interact with little Brylee. And I am excited about seeing her grow under his influence, to see her develop his cleverness, and just silly sense of humor. Watching these two I couldn't feel any more blessed.

The last couple of weeks with us turning off the tv and reading together, holding conversations longer, and just laughing more again has been the most incredible experience.

Today I rejoice in how blessed I truly am to have this man in my life. Everything about him is perfect for me, and I cherish all of the times we get together.

Happy birthday my favorite love. May it bring you happiness and great memories.

And a special thank you to Brenda and Gary for raising this incredible person.


Carymc said...

ahhhh shucks.....
i love you too, baby.

Tressia said...

Happy Birthday! Didn't know if I told you today or not. 8-)

Amy said...

late again....Happy Birthday Cary!

Brad McFadden said...

Those pictures are Hilarious! what a great collection! hehehehhe

Jenn said...

From Peggy Fulbright via Facebook:

Happy Birthday Cary. Hope you have a wonderful day.

Jenn said...

From Gail Bingham via Facebook:

Happy Birthday Cary! Sorry I am a day late. :-)

Ninjago With A Special Guest

So we took B to go see Ninjago, The LEGO movie a couple of weeks ago, and by we, I mean Cary, myself, my dad, grandfather. Odd co...