Ok. I'm not usually one to talk about tv shows, but Cary and I watched LOST last night. This is the only show we watch on a regular basis, as frustrating as it is...
Cary's brother once pointed out the religious concepts of the show, which actually I never saw until that time. But now...as much as I love the show, I'm ready for it to be over with and with all questions answered!!!
What why did they have to kill Juliet off??? I was really starting to like her character, and her and Sawyer being together. But I do love how Sawyer was absolutely destroyed by losing her, and her final heroic moment. Way to go Juliet!!!
Maybe we'll see her again next season, and maybe she and Sawyer will meet and get together. Maybe Kate and Jack will do the same...
I'm so ready for next season to begin!!!
(photo courtesy of wikipedia.org)
Ahhhh, i can't believe I just read that! Tommy and I started LOST a few months ago on Netflix. We watch a few espisodes on DVD after all the girls have gone to bed. WE are on Season 3 disc 2. I like Juliet, but for now, Kate and Sawyer are together!!! I couldn't stop myself from reading!
i used to not like Sawyer, untill he got with Juliet. Now he is by far my favorite character (well after Hurley of course). Jack and Kate...i could care less about those two.
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