Sunday, April 11, 2010

Brylee's Busy Weekend!

From the pictures, you'll be able to see that Brylee had quite a week, and weekend!

This week we decided to approach her rice cereal again, this time in a different way. I guess you could say it was the doctor's recommended way to try. Perhaps she's onto something...

This time around, Brylee is accepting this food so much better, and will actually finish off the bowl!

Her daddy put together her high chair on Thursday, and we stuck her right in, she didn't freak out, and now enjoys being able to sit there with us as we eat. And it has wheels, so we can pull her anywhere with us!

More firsts for this week: I now have to pack away all clothing that is 0-3 months. She is now wearing 3 months, and slowly (well, not really) growing into the 3-6 month clothing. Oh my!

The outfit she has on here is one that she got from my parents for Christmas. It is super cute (I like the hat the best), but since it is velvet, I have a feeling she won't get to wear it much with the sweltering summer right around the corner. I took advantage of her being indoors yesterday and put it on her. The pants legs reach all the way down, but the way she was sitting here makes it look like shorts!

We tested her out in my old rocking chair this weekend, too. This rocking chair was originally my uncle Bill's, but I also got it when he grew out of it. Now she gets to play with it! She doesn't sit up completely on her own yet, but with her T-Ma crouching nearby, Brylee got a chance to observe and enjoy it.

She also played out in my mom's garden, sitting in a pot, and on the edge of her 'ring', looking at the flowers, grass, and even Chester running around like crazy playing ball.

She even sat outside for a short time after her daddy and Opa put up the new sun shade that was purchased for the summer.

I love the spring, and wish that the weather would stay this beautiful a lot longer before the dreaded heat came around. She's learning so much, and I feel like that heat might inhibit some of that because her mommy turns into a lazy, over-heated blob when it reaches 90!

The daycare also warned that she is showing signs of teething now. And with my mom stating the same thing, we are now preparing for the excessive drooling that I have heard so much about. Hopefully she won't be overly sensitive though!

All weekend long, she laughed and talked out loud, loving when her belly was blown, and squealing so much. She loves to copy you when you talk, and at times it sounds like she says 'hi'. She smile is getting bigger and more precious all the time, and her personality is really shining through.

After such a big weekend for her, she slept well!


The Guess Family said...

Precious pictures!!! Gracyn's clothes are soaked all the time from teething. Thursday, we were at the park playing with some friends, when a 3-year old friend walked up to Gracyn and said, "That baby is dripping!". She is, she really is!!!

Jenn said...

From BAE via Facebook:

I love that picture in the garden! She looks so happy!

Ninjago With A Special Guest

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