Saturday, April 10, 2010

Taking A Moment To Brag About Daycare

Brylee's to be specific.

It is so hard to kiss her goodbye on a work-daily basis, but it has to be done (unless anyone has any great ideas on how I can work from home!). But it makes it so much easier to leave her with this group of people at Kids R Kids.
She has been in this daycare for almost 3 months, and I couldn't be happier with the decision of where she is! It costs an arm and a leg (well, does it really? I mean, how much do those cost anyways?), but the teachers (Ms. Maribel, Ms. Carol, and Ms. Cheryl + so many that come in to help out) are constantly having them do crafts, exercises, and reading books (to them).

The best part about all of these? Besides getting to take home the crafts, they also take pictures of the kids while they do them to send home with us!
Brylee was the smallest for the longest time, even after she was no longer the youngest. Now, there are 5 babies younger than her, one who was also a preemie, so when I see little Audrey, my heart melts remembering how Brylee used to be!

I found out that she will soon be along the finishing wall, as the cribs lined up go from youngest to oldest, and as soon as you are in the last wall, in the last crib, you are moved to the next room. How am I going to handle that?!?!
Another incredible part of this daycare is that they have video cameras set up in the rooms so you can check in on your child throughout the day. This used to be an additional charge, but for some reason now, it is included in the weekly charge (thank goodness!). I'm so happy to get to 'tune in' and watch my baby girl sleep, eat, or play on her favorite playmat.
If anyone is looking for a daycare, I cannot recommend Kids R Kids enough. They teach sign language, Spanish, and love to play with textures (mashed potato art!). It is so nice to know my child isn't just sitting there, in a crib, all day long or being ignored. They work with all the children, and it seems that they love the children as if they are their own.

Thank you Kids R Kids, particularly Ms. Maribel, Ms. Carol, and Ms. Cheryl for making leaving my little love every day a little easier. I know she is well cared for!


Jenn said...

From Brad via Facebook:

praying for you.

Jenn said...

From BAE via Facebook:

That is so awesome. I've heard horror stories of places that leave the kids in a crib with a bottle propped up in their mouth to keep them quiet. One mom I know said that her baby was hoarse after day-care and she suspected she may have been left to cry and scream. That just breaks my heart. I'm so glad Brylee is in a good caring environment.

Jenn said...

From Becky Stroud via Facebook:

One of my sons told me that if I just did not go to work they would fire me and I could stay home. He's the one that became a doctor.

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