Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Brylee Is 5 Months!

On Sunday, our little one turned 5 months!

I love this time in her life because she is changing so much, and everyday more and more personality bursts through.

According to www.babycenter.com, this is what we can expect to see in her:

Homing in on sounds

Your baby now realizes where sounds come from, and she'll turn quickly toward a new one. One of the easiest ways to engage her is to jingle a set of keys. Wind chimes are great attention-getters, too.

Your baby may now be able to recognize her own name and understand that you're speaking to her when you say it. You may notice that your little one turns her head when you call her or talk about her with others. If you want to engage and entertain your baby, all you need to do is talk to her. At this age, babies don't learn language from the television or radio, so turn them off and use real dialogue instead.

A growing range of emotions

Your baby can't express her emotions in the same complex way that you can. Although she can let you know in clear ways when she's angry, bored, or happy, her ability to show love and humor are just developing.

Your baby also shows a strong attachment to you by raising her arms when she wants to be picked up and by crying when you leave the room. She may also give you hugs and kisses. And she's beginning to get the joke — she'll laugh at funny expressions and try to make you laugh, too. Keep the laughter flowing with your silly faces!

  • Brylee loves to smile--especially at her daddy, Opa, and B-Pa. She'll also watch every move her daddy makes with such interest, and no matter how much he tries to 'scare' her, she just smiles, giggles, and screeches at his attempts. Funny because when we don't intend to scare her, she is always jumpy!

  • She is at a stage that everyone is amused by her 'talking', and her caretakers at daycare say that she is really funny because she entertains herself in her crib during naptime that way.

  • She is showing some signs of teething, but from what we can tell, nothing yet. She is putting everything in her mouth, and seems to love when we give her a blanket or burp rag because she squeals and it instantly goes to her face to 'snuggle' (and go in her mouth).

  • We borrowed a friend's exersaucer, and her Oma and Opa also got one. So, everywhere she goes, she has one to play in. The kid seems to love it, too!
This last weekend, while at the mall, we had our first 'accident'. We decided to get her out of her carrier and let her view the world as we walked around. I didn't have a sling to place her in, so I just held her close to my chest. Not a good idea after she eats because I did end up with spit-up all down my shirt.

But a little while later, I suddenly felt something warm...and wet. She had gone to the potty, but the diaper had moved from where it securly covered her, and ended up getting on her clothing and my hand.

As we walked through the mall trying to find the nearest restroom, people turned around and awww'ed at her. Kind of hard to let her stop and flirt when we were trying to get an emergency clean up! AND on top of that, it was the FIRST time I didn't have any back-up clothing! Needless to say, after a quick clean-up, we headed back to T-Ma's...

So, my question for all the moms out there:
She is currently eating rice cereal twice a day (about 1 1/2 teaspoons mixed with 2-3 teaspoons of formula). At what point to you introduce the colorful stuff? Do you want to wait until she eats more cereal and more frequently, or just jump right in and start playing with the veggies?


Carymc said...

Also she rolled over from her stomach to her back 3 times on Tuesday morning.

She is also starting to pull her knees up under her, getting ready to crawl I guess.

The Guess Family said...

Wow, if that is the first time you have had an accident, that is amazing!!!! Just wait till potty training!

You can start veggies/fruits anytime, you can even mix it with her cereal. Just make sure to wait a few days between each one you introduce to watch for allergies.

Let me know if you want some book/website resources for making your own food. It is super easy and saves a ton of money.

Jenn said...

From Tammy Britton via Facebook:

Does she act like she can eat more, or constantly wanting to eat-more solids would help with this-it keeps them full longer:)??But be ready for the smell of those new colorful diapers-;) Sorry abt the accident-we dealt with quite a few blowouts with Joe-LOLOL

Jenn said...

From Tammy Britton via Facebook:

also-if you are playing with the new food stuff-remember to try one at a time-in case she has a reaction to something...:)

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