Saturday, May 22, 2010

6 Month Visit

Yesterday was Brylee's 6 month check up and shots. As hard as it is to watch her get poked and prodded, I was eager to find out how she looked to the medical professionals.

She is now 12 lbs 9 oz, 24 1/2" long, and the nurse practitioner thought she looked great. We are still working on getting her skin nice, however, with eczema, her skin looks great one moment (yesterday morning) and dry and red-splotches another (while at the doctor...).

Just this last week, she is pulling herself forward, reaching out for something she wants, and buzzing her lips. Her hair is also growing. Currently, it looks strawberry-blonde, so we'll see soon!

Here's a look at the list of veggies we have tried and her opinion:

Green peas: blech
Carrots: yum!

Mixed vegetables: yum!
Prunes: blech
Bananas: yu

She also enjoys rice and oatmeal cereal, as well as apple juice and pear juice. We even just tried juice in her first sippy cup today!

I can't believe how much she has grown and changed, especially in the last month!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

From Amy Sipe via Facebook:

Six months doesn't seem that long! :)

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