Monday, June 28, 2010

Game Night June 2010

Oh yes...the night that will live in infamy. Ok. Not really, but it was, as all other game nights, exceedingly fun.

I got to introduce Brylee's 'rock star' look Saturday night, and she looked stylish and adorable!

She had only had about a 1 hour nap during the day, so the poor thing was just so sleepy and fussy. Even more so, poor Uncle Bill! Her reaction to him was not matter how much he tried!

Much like Uncle Brad, Brylee got nervous and cried whenever she saw Bill. He got on the floor and tried playing with her favorite toy, her ball. But she just got nervous.

Delicious hot dogs were our dinner, and then Bill, Ivan, Granny, Mom, Dad, Cary, and I gathered around the dining room table and started playing Apples To Apples. I love that game, and it's been forever since we've played it!

Half-way into the game, we got a surprise visit from Aunt Amy and her two sons, Steven and Spencer. It's been way too long since we've had a game night with those 2 teen-age boys with us!

The 3 of them pulled up to the table and we dealt new cards to play more. By this time, Brylee was exhausted, and B-Pa and T-Ma did everything they could to entertain her, including dad playing the banjo.

It is not exactly easy to describe, but playing Apples To Apples with the family causes so much laughter, it hurt. Whenever Granny was judge, she would make a story out of the cards given to her. I got great pictures of Amy making silly faces (no, Amy, I will not post them, just mention them...). I got a hilarious video of Cary goofing off (what else is new?)...The fun ended about 10:00 that night. I remember when they used to last until 1:00-2:00...We must be getting old!

What another successful game night! I do hope we can do it again soon. Bill will be coming to our apartment on Friday night, so hopefully Brylee will adjust to him more easily.

One question: how did this post become so Brylee-picture full?

1 comment:

Jenn said...

From BradMc via Facebook:


Ninjago With A Special Guest

So we took B to go see Ninjago, The LEGO movie a couple of weeks ago, and by we, I mean Cary, myself, my dad, grandfather. Odd co...