Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy 7 Months!

Our little one turned 7 months on Friday! So many new things have been happening for her, including our first week of stay-at-home fun.

She is now starting to show signs interest in crawling, by reaching for things not quite in her reach, either from the sitting position, or on her tummy. Cary has been trying to give her lessons on exactly how to move her legs. Unfortunately, her arms can't keep up just yet...
**UPDATE**--as I was typing out the rest of this post, I received an email from my father-in-law that she is scooting across the floor...which my mom also saw signs of last weekend. I hope to see it today!

Her babbling is becoming more clear now, and it is so funny to watch her mouth move and the little 'words' that come out. She is having a conversation with herself, or with us, but the words are just a little out of our understanding...for now!

She is also very eager to eat, or put things into her mouth. On Wednesday, I put her in her highchair for breakfast, with oatmeal cereal. I had forgotten her bib, so I walked to the next room (no more than 10 steps away) to get one, and when I got back, she had the oatmeal bowl up to her face, trying to get the goods out. The bowl had started at the furthest place on the tray, which just last week, she couldn't reach! I am by no means discouraging this, either. I want her to learn, no matter how messy she can get. I am so excited to see her do this!

She is constantly smiling and laughing, and the only time she is not happy is when she is hungry, or getting slightly fussy from sleepiness. A few months ago, I started wondering if we had a serious baby on our hands, but today, there are no worries! (not that I would have been upset of having a serious baby, but I wouldn't know what to do because we do love to laugh in our family(s)!

The last thing I have to update (for now) is that she is also becoming clingy to mommy. I know a lot of people would think it was because I'm always with her now, but it started the weekend before we were constantly together. I took her to my job on Wednesday, and the only person who was able to hold her without her getting scared and reaching for her momma was Lori, who has an amazing way with kids!

Cary and I have decided that in the evenings, it might be a good idea for him to feed her so that she doesn't get too attached to just me. Also, she stays overnight with one set of her grandparents every weekend, so that might help with the separation thing as well. The big challenge is, now that I am at home, we have to find a Mother's Day Out so that I can make sure she socializes and also learns to not be dependent on just me. I guess this will help making 'stranger danger' an easier thing to teach...

For now, I suppose, that is it. A lot is going on for her...she is growing so fast, and it wasn't until this week I saw how much it was. What a blessing for this to come about!

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Ninjago With A Special Guest

So we took B to go see Ninjago, The LEGO movie a couple of weeks ago, and by we, I mean Cary, myself, my dad, grandfather. Odd co...