Sunday, October 26, 2008

How The Dog...

Became the Grinch!

Cary and I had been thinking for a while of what to do with ourselves for Halloween. There were thoughts of using a theme, and thoughts of our own costume.

Cary thought at one point he wanted to be Uncle Fester from the Addams Family, but we could not find robes that were good enough to be like Fester's!

I couldn't think of anything really fun for myself, though I played with a lot of ideas (Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, Pirate...). And then, there's Chester! If he's going to be going to a costume party, we need to dress him up!

Because of Chester's silly paws and the fur that comes up out of them, I call him Grinch feet occassionally. Well, that sparked the idea: Chester can be the Grinch! Cary wanted to go as Cindy-Lou-Who, and I got to be Max, the Grinch's trusty canine companion.

This blog you get to see the results. Cary makes an adorable Cindy, doesn't he!

And for feeling 'guilty' for putting Chester through the green dye job (yes we REALLY sprayed and gelled him green) we bought him a new toy (also to go with the theme that the Grinch was out to destroy Christmas), which he started destroying in 1/2 of the day! Poor Santa Dog!

The costumes were a big hit, and Cary enjoyed wearing pink pajamas all night long...but he refuses to wear them to work on Halloween! And I think Chester was glad to finally get the green out of him at the end of the night.

I will never see that cartoon the same way again!

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