Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How Long Does It Take?

Ok, so it started as a dare from Melissa to blog the amount of time it takes to get home after a nice evening of dinner at Cary's favorite restaurant, Chaat. So, how long does it take to get from Chaat to our home? 6 minutes.

Then I realized that people will drive quite a distance to get to their favorite store, restaurant, church... So, I would like to bring up that question:

"It takes me _____(seconds/minutes/hours/days/months/years...) to get to ___________(favorite thing here)

For me? It took me 28 years to get to London, and another 2 1/2 to go back. I can't wait!

Alright Melissa--the dare is done! Now I dare you to post how long it takes to you get to your favorite place.
But, really, I hope that you and Jon enjoyed the evening, and hopefully you enjoyed the food as well! We'll do it again soon!

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