Sunday, April 12, 2009

Another Jarvis Family Gathering

Easter Sunday with the Jarvis' proves to never be boring. A bunch of us (a.k.a., Mom, Dad, Amy, Mike, Steven, Spencer, Stacy, Grandpa, Grandma, Kelly, Rebeckah, Cary, Chester, and myself) got together for lunch, egg hunts, and game fun today.

Despite the prediction of 90% chance of rain, our spirits were not dampened with yummies like ham, au gratin potatoes, mac & cheese, rolls, green beans, fruit, and brownies and ice cream...and a 'salad' of candy (jelly beans, gummy candy, chocolate...).

After lunch, mom, Amy, and I hid dozens (and by that I mean about 150--individuals) of eggs, which a little later a 18, 15, and 10 year old got to hide...too old for egg hunting? Maybe, but definitely an adventure. But hey--Austin, Addison, and Reagan were not able to join Stacy, so we had to add a little competition for her!
After a ripped bag, a puddle, a lightbulb in a plastic egg, and Spencer and Cary partaking in throwing the candy-filled eggs at each other, all eggs were satisfactorily found, and then on to the games!

While Mike enjoyed himself to the Master's Tournament on the awesome tv (and keeping Chester entertained), everyone else gathered into the living room for a game of Apples to Apples. The running joke this time for this game was Hail Storm, when Amy kept thumping mom over the demonstrate Violent...

All around it was a great time. Kelly and Beckah did not stick around too long, but we got to meet their cute new puppy Sookie, or 'Fierce' as her dress said. It was wonderful of Grandpa to make the drive to Lewisville and make our Easter so much warmer.
Eric, Deb, Faye, Erica, Austin, and of course, Kim, Tom, Addison, Reagan, and Gracyn, we missed having you here with us today, but know that we did think about you and we do hope we can all have another gathering with everyone again sometime soon. I also (briefly) toyed with the idea of having a Jarvis camping trip...but Grandma brought up the point that we might get kicked out...and I think with how rambunctious we can be, it might be true...

So, here's too another near perfect day, microwaving Peeps marshmallows, a homemade rabbit and yarn ball. Chester even had himself a great time, trying to get the eggs that were on the ground, playing with everything he thought was his toy, and digging in the mud...

God has blessed me with this incredible family!

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