Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Easter Plans Thus Far

So, the emails began flowing in this morning! Let me just say, Kim, Tom, Addison, Reagan and Gracyn, if you could make it, we would love to see you and meet sweet Gracyn!

I went ahead and arranged the emails in descending order, and each individual email is separate by a line, so no one has to read them backwards. Let me say, I am entertained so far!

From: The Corrys
Subject: Easter Sunday

Good Morning, We are wanting to make plans for Easter Sunday. No plans yet but we were thinking about going to Ft.Worth. Lunch orhow about a game day? ZOO?

Mike suggested a easter egg hunt at the place with the big rocks and the horses at the entrance.
Hmmm ...the cemetery
Anybody up for a fun day?


From: Chestine
Subject: RE: Easter Sunday

I've been thinking about this all day, I know if it is a pretty day,the parks and zoos will be overflowing and I have tried to think of some place that would be interesting and fun.
We could take peanut butter sandwiches, marshmallow bunnies and chicks. Help me think any suggestions?


- by the way - Erica I have something for Austin's birthday. We could do as Mike suggests - there is no more interesting place thanthe cemetery.

From: The Corrys
Re: Easter Sunday

I just watched the news and we have a 70% chance of rain!!I like peanut butter and marshmallow creme haven't ever tried p.b andpeeps!! yum!

From: Tressia (TJ) Jarvis
Subject: RE: Easter Sunday

Just let me know where & time. How many kids will be doing the Easteregg hunt? In case I have time to make up some eggs to hunt. Also let meknow if I need to prepare something for lunch or what I can do to makethis a really FUN day!


From: Chestine Jarvis
Subject: RE: Easter Sunday

Tressia, this may be presumptious of me, but maybe we could come toyour place and play games - bring a mystery dish and hunt eggs in yourhouse - just kidding about that but if it rains we will have to have arain check anyway. I am serious about the game thing and well, my houseis too small for all the clan that is growing so fast. Don't want to putpressure on you and you would not - I state - would not have to dodinner - everyone bring something for sandwiches or bring a can ofsomething and we could have stone soup.

Love ya

From: Bryan
Subject: [Fwd: RE: Easter Sunday]

FYI, mom's suggestion

From: Tressia
Subject: Fw: [Fwd: RE: Easter Sunday]

Good Morning! I wanted to let you know what is going on so far for the Jarvis Easter. I understand that there is the McFadden Family to so you do what you feel you need to do. As Always Brenda and Gary are welcome to join us but we might be a little too much for them. :) Have a great day Mom

PS I responded with I would provide the Ham and everyone else would bring the fixings for sandwiches , potato salad etc......

From: Cary
Subject: RE: [Fwd: RE: Easter Sunday]

So is it semi official that we are having it at your house?

From: Tressia
Subject: RE: [Fwd: RE: Easter Sunday]


From: Jennifer McFadden
Subject: RE: [Fwd: RE: Easter Sunday]

We can go to a cemetery and hunt eggs there!!! What can we bring?

From: Cary McFadden
Subject: RE: [Fwd: RE: Easter Sunday]

I think we should get glow in the dark eggs and hunt them at night in the cemetery.


To be continued...

1 comment:

Autumn said...

OK-I love it!! Your family is too cute! Egg hunting at a cemetary is such a great idea! :D Is your cousin coming from CO? I just saw the pics of Gracyn and she is just beautiful!

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