Monday, April 11, 2011

Project 52: 14/52 Envy

This was definitely the hardest one to photograph so far. How do you find the perfect picture of envy?

A child playing with a toy while another looks on, wishing they had that same toy? A great possibility, but we never had that issue this week.

Two trophies next to each other, different in size and standing? Haven't seen a trophy in quite a while, so that unfortunately fell through.

So here we have it: 2 smartphones next to each other. The larger, newer, purple one being mine and the smaller, unfortunately-not-working-so-well one Cary's.

I got my phone 2 weeks ago, and it has been great to have! Angry Birds works great on it, and we have played A.B. Rio, A.B. Valentine's, A.B. St. Patrick's, and are working our way through A.B. Halloween now.

It is also faster in many more ways than his, and I catch Cary pulling up things on it quite a bit.

Not that I want to rub this in his face, as his phone unfortunately is getting close to biting the big only 1 year old, and I am ready to get him a new phone, one equivalent to mine, so that he can be a giddly little boy with his phone again!

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